Goldwyn Lane Psychology was established by Wendy Gollan in Bendigo, Victoria in 2004. GOLDWYN LANE is derived from all the letters in Wendy’s name. Broken down into its syllables, GOLD is treasure, WYN is success, and LANE is a pathway. This encapsulates the vision of the practice, to take each client on a journey to successfully discover the treasure hidden within themselves.
Goldwyn Lane Psychology in Bendigo was a very successful practice and was still growing when Wendy decided to make the move to the Gold Coast in 2009. To set up her service on the Gold Coast Wendy looked for rooms that were filled with natural light, had a peaceful outlook, and offered privacy. The Runaway Bay Marina fitted beautifully, with the bonus of being easy to find, and having an abundance of free off-street parking. After 10 years at the site, Wendy has moved on. She is continuing the same high quality care for her Gold Coast clients, offering warm and caring counselling whilst maintaining a professional and confidential approach.
Now at two new locations
Learn more about Wendy